Remove our Links from the Currency Converter

Please follow the instructions below in order to add a link on your site that removes the links from our currency converter. You may visit this page at any time to check your site and verify link removal. Once your link to us has been successfully verified your site will be added to the queue for periodic re-verification and no further check will be required so long as the link stays active.

Step 1: Place the following code on your website.

Place this link to us anywhere on your web page.

Step 2: Tell us where you've placed our link.

Let us know where you've placed our link on your site by entering the full url of the page. You don't have to place our link on every page of your site, just once on the website where you will be using the converter. Our systems will check for the link on this page on a regular basis, so be sure to leave it online. Your website must be publicly accessible.

Step 3. Activate your link... and remove ours

Once you've placed our link, click the activate button and our systems will automatically check for the link on your site. If it is found, your converter account will be activated and the links on the converter will be removed. That's all there is to it! Our systems will check regularly for the link to ensure that it remains in place. Please note that the converter links will only be removed for the domain listed above.

Currency Converter For Websites

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